FISHER CHIRROPRACTIC: 1001 Crosspointe Dr Suite 1, Naples, FL 34110

The Benefits of Kinesio Taping for Shoulder Pain and Stability

Chiropractic Blogger • Aug 23, 2021

How do you use kinesio taping for shoulder pain and stability and what are the benefits? We explain the answers in this guide.

Kinesio taping for shoulder

At any given time, 18 to 26 percent of adults in the United States suffer from shoulder pain. Symptoms can range from mild to debilitating. Many people with pain in their shoulders can't perform routine daily functions. 

If you've ever suffered from shoulder pain, you likely know how hard it can be to get through the day. After all, you use your shoulders for many purposes. When it hurts, your quality of life can decrease.

There are several ways to treat such pain, including Kinesio taping for shoulder issues. Not sure what this is? You aren't alone. 

Kinesio taping for shoulder pain is an effective treatment used by many professionals. In fact, Kinesio tape is one of the most common methods of alleviating shoulder pain as part of a physical therapy treatment plan.

Want to know more? Keep reading for more information about all of the benefits of shoulder Kinesio taping. 

What is Kinesio Taping for Shoulder Issues?

Before you can fully understand the benefits of Kinesio taping for shoulder stability, it makes sense to learn more about the method. No matter the cause of your shoulder pain, taping can be helpful. 

The goal of Kinesio taping is to provide stability to the shoulder to increase range of motion and decrease pain. It's most often combined with physical therapy exercises.

The use of the tape makes such exercises less painful. When it's not so uncomfortable, you're more likely to complete the moves that will improve your shoulder and rotator cuff function. 

It's a good idea to work with a doctor or chiropractor to ensure you're taping properly and that the practice will benefit your shoulder pain. Keep reading for more information about the benefits of Kinesio tape. 

Decreases Pain

As mentioned above, using Kinesio tape for your shoulders helps limit the pain you feel. That includes everyday activities at work and home. It also controls pain during physical therapy exercises you've been prescribed. 

It's no secret that pain can keep you from doing the things you should be doing. Physical therapy exercises are vital to improving the range of motion in your shoulders and returning to normal function. 

When it hurts, you're not as likely to stick with it. Kinesio tape helps stabilize the shoulder, limiting the pain you feel. While there may still be some discomfort, less pain means a quicker recovery. 

Allows Free Movement

One of the best things about shoulder Kinesio taping is that it won't dramatically restrict normal movement. This is reassuring for those who need to be able to move at home and on the job. 

Unlike other medical devices, the tape won't restrict your day-to-day movements. This increases the chances that you'll use the tape rather than skipping it because it interferes with your performance. 

Restores Shoulder Function

It can be frustrating to deal with limited shoulder function. You don't realize how much your shoulder plays a role in daily performance until it's inhibited. 

By using Kinesio tape, you can help promote healing after an injury. That means a quicker return to normal shoulder function. At the same time, you can control the pain you feel as you heal.

Improves Performance

When your shoulder hurts, chances are you compensate by moving your arm, neck, and side muscles differently. Not only can this interfere with proper function, but it can create muscle imbalances. 

While you're dealing with performance issues linked to your shoulder pain, you may also be decreasing performance by creating these imbalances in the muscles surrounding your shoulders. 

Prevents Exacerbating the Injury

Shoulder stability is an important part of recovery after an injury. Keeping that stability can help prevent making the problem worse while also speeding healing. 

Naturally, you may not be able to completely stop using your shoulder. In that case, Kinesio tape can provide the stability you need to heal without compromising daily life. 

Enhances Healing

A natural by-product of stabilizing your shoulder is that you can speed the healing process. This is linked to helping prevent the worsening of the injury, as discussed above. 

The tape offers an additional layer of protection for your shoulder and rotator cuff. Its presence reminds you to take it easy but also allows for some of your normal daily functions. 

How to Use Kinesio Tape

As you can probably imagine, proper use of your Kinesio tape will ensure the best results. Your physical therapist may apply the tape for you, going through the process so that you can do so on your own. 

You will apply the tape in two steps. The first is to the front of your shoulder. Reach behind you and place one end of the tape at the upper front part of your shoulder, using your other hand. 

Adhere the tape about a third of the way down your arm, stretching it about 25 percent as you go. Rub gently to completely adhere the tape to your arm.

Next, reach your arm in front of your body. Stick another piece of tape to the upper back part of your shoulder. Bring it down to meet the end of the other piece of Kinesio tape, again stretching it to about 25 percent. 

The tape can remain in place for several days. If it becomes less effective or peels up, remove the tape and replace it with new pieces.

Getting the Most Out of Kinesio Taping

Using Kinesio tape can improve performance, speed healing, and get you back to your athletic activities quickly. It's a simple way to boost the stability of your shoulder and rotator cuff. 

To get the most out of Kinesio taping for shoulder pain, combine it with a traditional physical therapy treatment plan. Often, taping alone isn't enough to heal your injury and restore function. 

While it can be an asset to your healing, it's also important to follow the advice of your doctor or chiropractor. 

Book an appointment with Fisher Chiropractic today and learn more about Kinesio taping and all of the ways it can benefit your shoulder. 

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